







Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I was just reading a blog commenting on this 17 year old boy and his polygamous love life. the boy has TWO girlfriends and is wholly unapologetic, if not proud, of it. his older sister is even worse; she condones it by saying that anyone who expects a 17 year old to have only 1 girlfriend because it's the "right" thing to do is just naive and crazy.

OK then, call me naive and crazy. Whatever, but seriously I bet the guy's girlfriends would be none too pleased if they, you know, actually knew they were being cheated on. And this incident just makes me think, what is the world coming to? What happened to love, monogamy, romance? I guess it just got flushed down the toilet bowl and replaced by cynicism and self-interest.

It really saddens me how some people nowadays aren't in a relationship with their gf/bf for any specific purpose. It just happens to be appropriate at that point in time, they think they sort of like that person, and they can actually talk about you know, having another bf/gf somewhere in the (near) future (or, even, in Mr. Two-timing snake's case, the present). Imean, OMG. Then what is the point? Why not just flirt and go on dates and be non-committal? Why be in an exclusive, (supposedly) monogamous relationship? What is the point of being committed to a person if you can only do so for the mo', till someone better comes along? In that case, might as well date multiple people at the same time.

Haven't you even thought about marrying your better half? To me, the purpose of being in an exclusive relationship with someone is because you like them, and think you could possibly love them and marry them in future. Not simply because you like them. In my opinion, people nowadays are just too into the whole carpe diem thing, and thoughts of permanence have just been flung out the window.

Why? Why? Why? I really don't understand.

Where is the love people? Where. Is. The. Luuuurrrrve.

- - - - - -

Secondly, let me complain about the members in one of my project groups. Since it is the Internet, I shall not name names. But OMG OMG I loathe them with every fibre of my being.
Let's see what they're like.

1) Guy No. 1 is a pompous *** because he gives unsolicited advice. Also, he's a no-lifer because he called me to bug me about the project on a Saturday night, 5 days before our meeting. Imean, when I say I will do it, I will do it. What kind of irresponsible twit do you think I am? And then, said guy comes and bugs me on Monday via MSN about it again.
Conversation goes something like this (relevant details have been extracted to protect identity of pompous ***):
Him: Hey, have you arranged ________ ?
Me: Yes omg don't stress la.
Me: [said arrangment will be on] -insert date here-
Him: I am not stressed.
Him: This is constructive pressure.
Him: If you can''t take the pressure, then you call it stress.
Him: hate ppl whining.
Him: bye.
-end of convo-
I was like ???!!!! What. the. #@!. But in order not to foster enimity, I restrained myself from replying and lashing out at him. But goodness, he's the one in the grp that I loathe the most. He should be locked up and the key thrown away.

2) Vulgar liar and regular mean person. He hurls vulgarities of the "F" variety at me for no rhyme or reason, which I really hate, because, after all, I am a girl, and it is just not right for a guy to say "F you" to a girl because of the connotations. He also constantly calls me "you shit" and "you ass" even when I really haven't done anything to deserve it. He also lies about random details like where the classroom is, what info I should use for this assignment and blah. If I'd listened to him, it could've cost me a grade. So yes, another one who should be locked into the dungeon together with pompous ***.

3, 4 and 5) These guys are actually quite ok, but they do nothing to ease the problem of the 1st two.

GAH. That said, the Bible warns for us to look at the plank in our own eye before pointing out the speck of dust in others', and I admit that I haven't been the epitome of cooperation either. Haven't been as proactive as I used to be, because I really hate the subject because it's being taught by a lousy professor and I haven't been paying much attention or doing much practice.

- - - - -

OK, that was a majorly angsty session. Shall stop whining now, and save it for my voice character for a movie shoot on Friday! Ooh exciting. Shall save the whining about spree participants for another day.

Disclaimer: These are merely my angsty opinions, and even if you don't agree, please respect them.

- - - - -

Side note: Reality check! Let's see how much I have bought (and this doesn't include the stuff that I've bought but am selling, only that which I'm keeping and using). Also does not include amt I spent on other ppl or the amt other ppl spend on me (e.g. the DKNY mini from the dorn, the full sized one from the terry, the iPod from the terry.... you get the idea.)

Month of Jan:
1. Neutrogena Foundation and Mascara, $10
2. Lace Cami, $15
3. "It's all good" Tee, $20
4. Estee Lauder Gloss and Bourjois Eyeshadow (trying to sell), $30 o_O
5. UO Jeans (trying to sell), $50
6. Black cami, $20
7. Mint masque and brown eyeshadow, $13
8. Ballet neck tunic, $14
9. Two necklaces, $24
10. "Desperate Girlfriend" Tee, $13
11. Brown necklace, $10
12. Tam-tam bag, $35
13. Smocked tank and printed skirt, $53
14. Benefit eyeshadow, $15
15. FBTs, $9
16. Skirt from WH, $39
17. Elle flip flops, $10
18. 2 bags from Taiwan Auctions, $37

Total: $417 O_O

Month of Feb (so far):
1. Foot cream and multivitamins, $14
2. Victoria's Secret Smocked Tank, $35
3. Sephora gloss, concealer and brush, $40
4. "Funk Festival Tee", $14
5. Topshop earrings and blue top, $22

Total: $125

And it's only 8 Feb. AAAAH. Now I know why I burnt all my angpow money straight after collection. AND this is not an exhaustive list.

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